Interpreters Unlimited Mid-Atlantic



Document Translation

In-Person Interpretation

Telephone Interpretation

Video Remote Interpretation

Sign Language Interpretation

Spanish Interpretation


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Video Remote Interpretation

With our video remote interpretation (VRI) service, connecting to an interpreter is as simple as pushing a button. By opening the application, you can access an interpreter in 30 seconds or less – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. ODI – On-Demand Interpreter – is an efficient and cost-effective solution for clients who require (or prefer) face-to-face communication with the interpreter.


IU is currently offering ODI for the following languages:


       American Sign Language (ASL)               24 hours a day, 7 days a week       
Arabic 7am to 5pm M-F
Cantonese 8am to 11pm M-F
Mandarin 8am to 11pm M-F
Spanish 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Vietnamese 8am to 11pm M-F


Technical Specifications
ODI is compatible with a variety of platforms, including PC, Mac, iPads, and Tablets. The VRI service features high quality audio, a simple user interface, and real-time data sharing and collaboration. This cloud-based video service eliminates costs associated with new equipment, infrastructure, and specialized IT staff, and because it's simple to use, there is no special training required.

Contact us today for more information about our VRI services.


Our Language Services

  Sign Language Interpretation,   Spanish Interpretation,   Document Translation,   In-Person Interpretation,   Telephone Interpretation,   Video Remote Interpretation,